mardi 15 septembre 2015

How Eating Raw Veggies Can Remove Cellulite !!

Whether acne or cellulite, cosmetic problems are difficult to get rid of because the problem lies skin deep. As a result, external remedies are not effective as internal corrective measures. Diet is often recommended as a cellulite treatment. This particularly includes eating raw vegetables. Don't worry; you won't have to chew on bland vegetables. Toss them into your salad or churn it into a colorful smoothie and gulp it down.
Why raw vegetables?
Skin experts suggest eating large servings of fresh, raw vegetables and fruits. We are all aware that vegetables are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. However, when it comes to cellulite there is another constituent element that is more important. They are antioxidants. Antioxidants protect the skin against the oxidizing effect of free radicals. They delay skin aging. Antioxidant even out the skin tone and thus help get rid of cellulite - the dull, puckered appearance of skin.
The cooking process destroys nutrients, minerals and enzymes originally present in vegetables and fruits. These enzymes play a vital role in digestion. They breakdown proteins and cleanse the body. These enzymes also strengthen the skin. The enzymes present in raw fruits and vegetables improve circulation and reduce fluid retention in the body. Fruits and vegetables also contain fiber. Fiber heals the connective tissues inflamed by cellulite.
The question here is which vegetables and fruits should be eaten. Bright colored vegetables are the richest sources of antioxidants. These are the ones that prevent skin damage caused by cellulite. Veggies you can include in your cellulite diet are beet greens, carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, avocados, tomato, spinach, asparagus and Brussels sprouts. Most of these vegetables contain lecithin. Asparagus and cucumber fights water retention in the body. You can also eat onions. Onions prevent the buildup of fluid in the body. Potatoes and yams particularly the skin should be eaten for their fiber content.
Add some Fruits too!
Fruits are recommended in a cellulite diet too because like vegetables it contains large amounts of antioxidants. Fruits you should eat if you're looking for methods on how to get rid of cellulite include strawberries, oranges, papayas, blueberries, grapefruit, cranberries, blackberries, pomegranates and cherries.
Drink plenty of water. Water helps get rid of fatty deposits and flushes out toxins. Thus, it helps combat the problem of cellulite. Many experts suggest drinking water half your total body weight. However, you should drink minimum 8-10 glasses of water every day. Another natural method to detoxify the body includes drinking a glass of warm water mixed with a few drops of lemon juice.
Additionally add nuts. Nuts such as walnuts and almonds provide necessary fatty acids that repair skin tissue damage. Select unroasted, unsalted nuts.
Thus, get rid of cellulite fast, you should eat less processed and junk foods and more of raw fruits and vegetables. You should also drink plenty of water. You might find it difficult to adjust to a cellulite diet. However, if you show some dedication you won't find it hard to adhere to one. Initially, you might experience changes in digestion and bowel movements. The digestive process will fall in tune within a few days.
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On the link below, I share for free my story, my mistakes that made my cellulite worse, my failures, the daily routine I followed for a few months and the e-book" 7 Secret Tips to banish cellulite". Check it out and get them all for free , here: The Cellulite Factor

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